American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
1000 Riverside Avenue, Suite205
Jacksonville, FL 32204
Telephone: (904) 353-7878
Home Page:
Christopher Seymour, M.B.A., Executive Director
Purpose :
A professional medical organization of physicians with special education, training, and interest in the practice of clinical endocrinology. Provides information and education to endocrine patients so that they can have access to the best endocrine care possible. Does not include medical advice and diagnosis.
Publications :
"The First Messenger" (bimonthly newsletter)
Endocrine Practice (bimonthly professional clinical journal)
Clinical Guidelines for various endocrine conditions, and a comprehensive membership directory that supplies addresses, phone numbers, specializations, clinical interests, and board certificationsof members.
American Society of Human Genetics
9650 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: (301) 571-1825
Home Page:
Elaine Strass, Executive Director
Purpose :
A professional society of physicians, researchers, genetic counselors, and others interested inhuman genetics. Strives to inform health professionals, legislators, health policy makers, and the general public about all aspects of human genetics.
Publications :
American Journal of Human Genetics(monthly)
Membership Directory (biennially)
Supplement to Journal (annually)
Guide to Human Genetics Training Programs in North America.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
10801 Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Fax: 1-877-541-5035
Home page:
Purpose :
The mission of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is to promote the interests of and provide the highest quality services for professionals in audiology,speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science, and to advocate for people with communication disabilities.
Publications :